Saturday, September 26, 2009

ODST update and a look at SAW!

I know ODST is short and all, but I spend so much time in the wondiferous Firefight mode that I can't get back to campaign, that and I have been working extra lots lately (haven't had an off day since monday) but don't worry, I plan on having a review up on or by Tuesday.

Also, on October 6th, I will be picking up the game SAW. I bought it for my boyfriend, but I will still play it and review it. While I won't play through the whole game, I will play a lot of it and I will watch him play the rest, so he will be my close associate on the review as well. I have been doing some research and, surprisingly, it looks like it may be a pretty decent game. I don't think it will win any Game of the Year awards or anything, but it definitely looks like it will be a good challenge. Check out for an interesting preview of the game.
Also, later today, I will post my first impressions of the Brutal Legend Demo.

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